Thursday 14 September 2017

Grade 4/5 Saskatchewan Government

Our Governments:

Federal government:  Makes decisions for the country.

- Canada has the king or queen of Britain as the head of state

- The Prime Minister is the head of the government and a Parliament makes its laws

- It is made up of three parts:

The legislative branch:

-This is made up of Senate and House of Commons

- This branch creates laws

The executive branch:

- Governor General, cabinet, prime minister, and government department

- This is the main decision-making branch of the government

The Judicial branch:

- courts and judge

- this branch applies the law

See the website below for up to date name list of who is in charge in the federal government.

Provincial Government: Provinces and territories have their own governments in charge of such things as schools, hospitals, and courts. 

- Provincial leaders are premiers

- they also have cabinets and ministers

- they have a lieutenant governor who represents the Monarch for Saskatchewan

See the website below for up to date name list of who is in charge in the provincial government.

Municipal Government:  Municipal governments run cities, towns, or rural areas.  They are responsible for local matters such as police, fire departments, parks, and roads.   They also handle things like snow clearing, garbage collection, public transportation, and water and sewer services.

- made up of a mayor or reeve and councilors

- pass by laws that apply to their communities

See the website below for an up to date name list of who is in charge in the municipal government.

First Nations Government: there are different forms of First Nations government in Canada.  Many first nations run their government by the rules set out in the Indian Act with a chief and a band council elected every two years.  Others may choose their government based on their own traditions such as hereditary chiefs.

- The most common form of First Nations government is the band council made up of a chief and councilors.

- they are elected by members of their local First Nation

- they can pass bylaws to manage reserve affairs such as traffic control, bridges, roads and agriculture

- they cannot collect taxes from their citizens instead they receive money from the Department of Indian Affairs

See the website below for up to date name list of who is in charge in the first nations governments.

The Current Government Selection Process
Traditional Government Selection Process

Metis Government:  Metis Nation- Saskatchewan elects representatives to serve and protect the interests of the Metis people at the different levels.

- They have a legislative assembly

- Provincial Metis Council

- Regional Areas and Directors

- Locals

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